ENERTEC’s Foundation is its integrity. The company is open, honest, and trustworthy in dealing with Customers, suppliers, co-workers, shareholders and the communities where it impacts.
ENERTEC’s Foundation is its integrity. The company is open, honest, and trustworthy in dealing with Customers, suppliers, co-workers, shareholders and the communities where it impacts.
ENERTEC is accountable, individually and in teams, for its behaviour, action and results.
We live our values and measure our success by the success of our customers, communities and people.
ENERTEC relentlessly pursue excellence in everything it does, day on day, year on year.
ENERTEC supports its customer’s success by creating exceptional value through innovative products and service solutions, within the mutually agreed timeframe.
ENERTEC works in an exclusive environment that embraces change, new ideas, respect for the individual and equal opportunity to succeed.
ENERTEC works safely to ensure that it protects and promotes the health and well being of the individual and the environment.
Our affilates are commercially and legally independent firms, unified by sharing one Single Philosophy under “HBK Holding”.